I check out
Nose in Ear almost every day because it's just so damn exciting that a cool lady from my neighborhood is also pregnant, and I really love to see her pictures and read about how she's doing. Today I saw that she tagged me for a meme, which made me feel about 100 years old, because I wasn't sure what that meant. I catch on quick though.
Here's what I learned: "The term "meme" (IPA: /miːm/, rhyming with "may may"; commonly pronounced in the US as /mɛm/, rhyming with "lay lay"), coined/popularized in 1976[1] by the biologist Richard Dawkins, refers to a "unit of cultural information" which can propagate from one mind to another in a manner analogous to genes (i.e., the units of genetic information).
Dawkins gave as examples of memes: tunes, catch-phrases, beliefs, clothes fashions, ways of making pots, or of building arches."
I guess the fun, internet version is a little different than what Dawkins had in mind, but nonetheless, here's my own personal unit of cultural information.
Four jobs I've had.
1. Audubon Society Intern
2. Writing Assistant
3. Teaching Artist
4. Mentor/Tutor
Four Movies I can watch over and over again.
1. The Big Lebowski
2. When Harry met Sally
3. Office Space
4. almost any Woody Allen movie, especially Annie Hall and Hannah and Her Sisters
Four places I have lived
1. Austin, TX
2. Brooklyn, NY
3. Santa Fe, NM
4. Annapolis, MD
Four television shows I love to watch.
(We don't have a T.V., but we do have a Netflix Account and a computer . . . )
1. Lost
2. The Sopranos
3. The Cosby Show
4. My So Called Life
Four places I have been on vacation.
1. France
2. Quebec City
3. Japan
4. the San Juan river, Utah
Four of my favourite dishes
1. Chile Rellenos, but they have to be New Mexican, with Christmas chile
2. cheese enchiladas, beans, and extra crispy potatoes from Horseman's
3. black beans and arroz amarillo with lots of garlic, hot sauce, tostones, and a
cold beer
4. Matt's patented meal: half an avocado, half a tomato, half a baguette, warm, melty
bucheron, pickly things, olivey things, olive oil, balsamic vinegar, salt and
pepper, and whatever other herbs and good things are in the kitchen
4.5 sushi and miso soup from Musashino
Four Websites I visit daily.
NY Times2.
The Superficial3.
The Aeneid4.
WikipediaFour Places I'd rather be right now.
1. on any sunny beach with cold water and a dearth of jellyfish, or at least on a
foam noodle in Lake Travis
2. my 20 week ultrasound
3. Tunja, talking to Juliana
Ben's house - it would be after
midnight and he would be in the kitchen making guacamole for a bunch of scrillers.