Monday, May 28, 2007

First Movements

So here is my first blog posting. I felt the baby move for the first time this weekend! It was a very wild feeling. It felt like a good solid couple of jabs or maybe an elbow to the tummy demanding some more room. Every thing is moving along fairly quickly now. We are busily trying to get a few things done every weekend on our list of preparations. This weekend we got a new mattress and hopefully will get rid of the old. Here is the latest belly shot, and a picture of our house guest.


Lorraine and Chris said...

I'm smiling. As I said to Alli "stand up straight, your posture is getting sooo bad..." My sense of humor has been tainted with the Captain's. I well remember your Dad's joy at the same experience of being able to feel the baby move. We never got tired of it. It sounds like this has brought the reality of need for space revisions for you. I love all of you.

Unknown said...

I think the little one is demanding Mexican vanilla ice cream with peanut butter cups! Your belly is beautiful,I think your baby is going to be bright eyed and ready to love life, as soon as it's born, just like you were. Think he/she will be born with dreads? Ha :-)
Tell Matt to kiss your tummy for me! Love you,Mom

Heather D said...

I really hope that s/he is not born with dreadlocks, but I did realize recently that there is a very strong chance our child will want to have special hair like his or her daddy - I'm guessing around the age of four or five? I'd be surprised if that doesn't come up at some point, and as long as Matt takes charge of teaching care and maintenance, I'm all for it.

Lorraine and Chris said...

So, I just had a thought.... Is there in utero capoeiroa? that kind a goes with the conversation about dreds and then there's that one about 6 fingered aliens...
xo Mom

joyce said...

heather, I just saw a picture of your little one to be. Isn't life amazing? I am trying to keep up with your progress and wishing you and Matt all the happiness in the world.
Love you, Aunt Joyce