She is head down.
She is facing my spine.
She has dropped.
Her heartbeat is 150 (or so).
She weighs about 6.5 pounds.
She has a very fuzzy head of hair.
Just a few things we learned at this morning's ultrasound.
We learned a few other things at my (now) weekly OB checkup. One of which is that Dr. Neyman felt today would be a good day to start wearing her Halloween scrubs and finds it inappropriate that others in the office started to wear theirs
before October 1st. This only reinforces my perception of her as the cutest, nerdiest, and most kind OB ever. She was really in love with her outfit today.
We also learned that the contractions I've been having for the past two weeks have done a nice job dilating my cervix - 2cm down, only 8 more to go . . . and we surprised ourselves by learning that if the pregnancy progresses to 41 weeks, we will, at Dr. Neyman's suggestion, allow ourselves to be induced and drugged and delivered on an appointed day and time.
I will go completely and totally off the deep end if the pregnancy goes that far, and will most likely be willing to abandon my plans for a natural birth. Matt and I are both predicting that Nora will arrive a little early, though. I've been feeling quite a few changes physically and emotionally over the past week and a half that make me think the baby would like to be on her way into the world sooner rather than later - and as Matt diplomatically observed today: "You certainly have been feeling 'different' for the past few days."