Thursday, August 23, 2007

This Week, This Week, This Unbelievable Week

Set up your workstation at the local coffeeshop to get some out of office grantwriting done - discover that your friend went into labor a little early with her husband out of town, and dash off to be with her instead for the rest of the day. Go to childbirth classes and act out a cesarean birth scenario, have unpleasant hospital dreams.

Plod through day. Remember nothing.

Spend 5 hours at the Emergency Room with friend who works in same office complex and almost sacrificed a thumb to a piece of spinning metal. Have a popsicle in the rain. Have heartburn and insomnia and other unmentionable symptoms. Consult with doctor at 2am. Sleep.

Drop an Executive Email Carpet Bomb on the hospital folks who would rather not pre-register you as insured, even though you are now insured. Get one promising response within three hours.


Lorraine and Chris said...

Hi you three. Am glad that this week didn't include any of you being the recipient of hospital care! Heather, you sure had a full 2/3rds of a week for a lady who is growing a baby. I hope that the rest of this week and all of next is full of serene days. Hugs from Lorraine/Mom and the Captain

Unknown said...

Hang in there babe,just relax and think about that little miracle,whose cheeks you will be kissing soon!
love/miss you,

Unknown said...

oh yeah,not to add anymore :-)

Quaker Orts said...

That's my girl! I love the email carpet bomb routine.

Sounds like a full week of, well, life! I'm sure you handled it with grace and ease.

62 days! Yikes! Really looking forward to seeing all of you.
