He chose one of our favorite items: American Apparel infant gowns in white. These are the little gowns with open, elastic bottoms which make nighttime diaper changes easy since you can gently tug them up above the baby's bottom and then back down again when you're finished. No snappy things or buttons or leg-holes in which to stuff sleepy little chubby legs at 3am.
Look, here they are:
And here's a couple more pictures - I forgot we had one of me at the 20 week ultrasound. We snuck one in after the NP left the room. And then, a picture of Wasabi attacking some homegrown catnip. Django's been hogging all of her camera-time on the blog, so now it's her turn for a little fame and admiration.
Glad to hear more... Love that photo of you in the office... was that your cell phone photo? Hugs to you three.
It was from our new digital camera; lights were still dim for the ultrasound so it looks kinda grainy. Love, Heather
super cute baby stuff! I love the soft AA cotton. How are you two? I love to puruse the blog to find out updates. :)
Updates! Where's the update???
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